What was new in start v2?
Context menu for quick customization of entries directly in the main window.
Display of currently opened programs by a small dot next to the program entry.
Easy and fast use of favorites: entries can be quickly added to favorites via a star button.
Sourcecode optimized and migrated to Swift 5
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start v2.1 - Shortcuts for everyone
new: Items can now also be assigned to keyboard shortcuts. Simply open your applications, files and folders with a key combination!
fixes: Various code optimizations and adjustments to the GUI
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start v2.0 - The macOS 10.14 Mojave Update
- new: Start now supports darkmode of macOS 10.14 Mojave. Depending on the preferences configured in the system, Start is launched in light or dark mode. Due to this change the existing themes have been removed.
- new: Support of different tag symbols
- bugfix: Bug fix for sandbox functions (applications outside the application directory repeatedly asked for access)
- The help file previously included in the program has been removed. Instead the manual on the website is called.
- Revision of the program code to the latest version of Xcode 10 and Swift 4.2
- Due to the support of macOS 10.14 the support of macOS 10.12 has been removed. Start is now optimized for macOS 10.13 and 10.14.
- Fixed ambiguities with some labels. Previously, there was sometimes talk of categories and elsewhere of tags - this was standardized to tags.
- Various code and GUI optimizations