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URL entries - or more precisely, the associated URL schemes - look complicated at first view. But if you know how they work, you'll quickly realize that they are actually quite easy to understand. And you'll see how useful they can be for your workflow.

One of the simplest and most popular URL schemes are web addresses (e.g. https://www.website.com). These begin with the URL scheme http or https and tell your system to open a specific web address. But you can also use mailto-links, for example, to save time by opening a new mail to the appropriate recipient.

Using URL entries in start

start allows you to use URL entries in addition to applications, files and directories. This allows you not only to open web pages from start, but also to control virtually any application that supports URL schemes.

Important: start only manages your URL entries and executes them. What the URL entries do depends on the target application. Therefore we cannot provide support for the creation/use of special URL entries. Please contact the developer of the respective application.

Adding a new URL-Entry


To create a new URL entry, click on the "Add URL" entry in the menu. This will display the "Add/Edit URL" dialog. Here you can define the URL and the title of the entry and optionally a comment.

Structure of a URL entry

A URL entry is always structured in the same way. First there is a scheme (e.g. "https") followed by a colon. This is succeeded by the individual part, which is different depending on the scheme or target application.

Modifying existing URL Entries

An already existing URL entry can be edited again by double-clicking in the "modify Data" dialog or with the context-menu in the Main-Window.


When using URLs in start, the following restrictions must be considered:

  • The maximum length of a URL may not exceed 3000 characters. If this length is exceeded, the URL is shortened and probably no longer works as desired.
  • Each URL entry needs a title (the use of a comment is optional)