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Here you can see in which directories Start uses Spotlight to search for applications. You can add your own entries to this list here.

The search scope is especially interesting for users of macOS 10.15 Catalina or higher. By default, Start does not search in the application directory of the current user (~/Applications) due to sandbox restrictions.


To protect your data, Start runs according to Apple's specifications in a so-called sandbox. The sandbox gives Start only very limited access to the files and folders on your Mac. For example, applications can be started in the applications directory, but for files or programs in their own directories, Start requires permission from you. When you add your own files to Start, permission to open them from Start is automatically added. You can see which accesses you have set up over time (and which may no longer be needed) in the "Sandbox Access" list in the settings.

If you have allowed access to a directory, the permissions also apply to its subdirectories. For example, you can also add the root directory "/" manually to access entries more easily.


In this section, you can configure the "recent files" category.

You'll find the settings and explanations in the "Recent Files" section here:



Enable advanced logging to the system log

Start can enter numerous entries in the system's log as part of a troubleshooting process. This option should only be active when actively searching for a problem, as this negatively affects the performance of the application.

Logging only takes place in the local system log. An automatic transmission, for example, in the context of an troubleshooting process, does not take place. Start respects data privacy and does not transmit log data in the background to the developer.

Export Diagnostic Data

This function creates a text file containing all relevant information from Start. This information includes, for example, which entries were found by Spotlight, which entries are currently available in Start and which settings are currently active.


dropStack clears when Window is closed

With this setting, you can control whether the contents of the DropStack should be removed when the main window of Start is closed.

Disable Thumbnails

Start creates thumbnails for file entries. If you prefer not to use these thumbnails and want to display the standard icons instead, you can adjust that here.

Disable Favicons

When you store URLs of websites in Start, it tries to retrieve and display the FavIcon from those websites. If you prefer not to show these FavIcons, you can change this setting here.

Disable OpenWith-Icon on File-Entries

Each file type is typically assigned an application with which it is usually opened. Start displays the icon of these "default applications" as a small symbol next to the respective file entries. If you prefer not to have this icon displayed, you can disable it here.

Recent Files

Here, you can make advanced settings to the Recent Files. Please refer to the "Recent Files" section for more information.