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One of the main features of Start is the ability to group entries together using tags. In the following, we will take a closer look at what tags are, how they are created in Start and how they can be best used.

What are Tags?

With the help of tags, you can group entries in Start. For example, you can assign the tag "word processing" to all word processing programs. Topic-related tags can also be useful. If you frequently use the same programs for a specific task, you can assign a tag to these programs to have them readily available. It's important to note that you can easily assign multiple tags to a single entry.

In addition to grouping entries, tags allow you to launch all entries associated with a tag at once using a hotkey. Do you need the same programs repeatedly for a task? Simply group them with a tag and assign a hotkey to it. In the future, you can launch all the programs at once with a single keystroke.

How to create Tags?

Now that we understand the usefulness of tags, the question is: how do you create a tag in Start and assign an entry to it? Conveniently, there are several ways to do this.

Add Tag - Button

The easiest way to create new tags is by using the button located below the tags. When you click this button, a new tag is added to the list. You can then customize the tag to your liking by changing its icon, color, etc., and assign entries by dragging and dropping them onto the tag.



Another way to create a new tag is directly from an entry in the main window of Start. This is very simple: right-click on an entry in Start. A popup window with various options will appear. In the upper part of this popup, you'll find an input field for tags. Here, you can enter the name of a new tag or assign an existing tag.

More information about this popup-window is available

With the popup menu you can quickly and easily create new tags or assign an entry to a tag. Especially assigning an entry to an existing tag works even faster: You can simply drag'n'drop the entry in the main window onto an existing tag. This will add the tag to the entry.



In the configuration dialog, all entries from Start, as well as all tags, are displayed. You can easily assign tags to entries in the "Tags" column. Additionally, all tags are shown in the configuration dialog just like in the main Start window, including the "Add Tag" button. This means you can also create and customize new tags there.

In the configuration dialog, you can select multiple entries at once with your mouse and assign them to a tag via drag and drop.


You can also create nested tags. Let's say you have Apple's Office applications (Numbers, Pages, etc.) and Microsoft's Office applications. For example, you could create two tags: "Apple Office Apps" and "Microsoft Office" and assign the applications to each. Alternatively, you can also work with a structure similar to directories - for example, a tag "Office" and below it the tags "Microsoft" and "Apple". You create such nested tags with a | (Pipe Symbol) as separator. For the current example this would be "Office|Microsoft" and "Office|Apple".

You can also easily nest tags with the mouse in the Mainwindow of Start: simply drag one tag with the mouse onto another tag.

Renaming Tags

Existing tags can also be renamed again very easily. Again, there are different ways to do this:

You can rename existing tags simply in the main window by double clicking on the tag. Alternatively, there is a central settings dialog for tags called "Modify Tags". Here you can also rename tags quickly and easily.

Modifying Tags

Tags can be designed according to your preferences. The easiest way to do this is by using the popup window of a tag. Simply click on a tag with the right mouse button. Here you can, for example, assign a different symbol to the tag or individualize the tag by means of a color.
In this window you can also optionally assign two hotkeys to a tag. With the hotkey "
View" you can open Start and switch to the tag. "Launch" allows you to launch all entries assigned to the tag with a simple keystroke.

More information about this popup-window is available


Deleting Tags

You can delete a tag quickly and easily by right-clicking on an existing tag in the main Start window. A popup window for tags will appear, where you can delete the currently selected tag.