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Using the Service Entry

Start also integrates itself as a service in the system services. With this entry you can quickly send selected files and directories from the Finder to Start.

Using the entry in the service menu

Select one or more files and directories in the Finder. Now right-click and find the entry "Send selected files to Start" in the "Services" menu. This will bring up the main window of Start. Next to the search field you will now see that a certain number of objects have been sent to Start. You can now simply select an application entry and the application will be launched with the submitted objects. As soon as you close the main window of Start, the transferred items are removed from Start and you can launch other programs as usual.



Activate and configure the service entry

The service entry must first be activated in macOS. To do this, open the "Keyboard" section in the System Preferences. Under "Shortcuts" you then select the "Services" section. Now all services that are currently available under macOS are displayed. The services are divided into different areas. Start is only interested in files and directories - so scroll down the list to this section. Here you should find an entry called "Send selected files to Start". Please activate this entry.

  • The system services are read in during login. If you have installed Start and the entry in the service menu is not visible, you can log off and log on to the system.
  • You can also assign a keyboard shortcut to each system service in macOS. If you assign an appropriate shortcut to the service of Start you can send the selected entries to Start with just one keystroke and you don't have to search for the appropriate menu entry in the menu.