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Shortcuts-command: Add to Start

"Add to Start" is a command provided to the Shortcuts app for adding entries to Start. This command lets you quickly and easily create workflows to add, for example, the files and folders currently selected in Finder or the webpage currently displayed in Safari to Start.


The examples below demonstrate how to use the "Add to Start" command. For more information on using Apple's Shortcuts app, you can refer directly to Apple or the relevant help documents. An introduction to the Shortcuts app from Apple is beyond the scope of this article.

Add File to Start

This workflow queries the files and folders currently selected in Finder and automatically adds them to Start.

The first step is to query the currently selected files in Finder. For this, you drag the command "Get Selected Files in Finder" into the workflow. Next, we need "Add to Start". When you add this command, it is initially filled with "Add Item to Start." Right-click on "Item" and select "File". The display will then change to "Add File to Start". Since we only need the path, now click on "File" and select "File Path".

Tip: If you click on “Show More” in "Add to Start", you can also select the desired tag to add the entries to.

Add URL to Start

This workflow queries the current web page in Safari and passes its URL to Start.

In the first step, we grab the current web page in Safari. Drag the command "Get current web page from Safari" into the workflow. The workflow will now display an entry with the text "Get Detail from Safari web page." First, right-click on "Safari web page" and select "Web page". Since we are only interested in the URL of the webpage, now right-click on "Detail" and select "Page URL". The last step is "Add to Start". When you add this command, it is initially filled with "Add Item to Start." Right-click on "Item" and select "Page URL". The display will then change to "Add Page URL to Start".

Tip: If you click on "Show More" in "Add to Start", you can also select the desired tag to add the entries to.