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Add/Edit URL Dialog


Enter the title for the URL here. The title will be displayed later in the main window of Start at the respective entry.


You can optionally add a comment or description to the URL entry.


The URL is entered here. It is important that it is a complete URL including the scheme (https:// , etc.).


This button allows you to execute the URL currently stored in the URL input field without closing the dialog. This is especially useful for more complex URLs to test if the URL can be executed correctly.


Each URL scheme is processed by an application in macOS (for this reason it is also important to specify the scheme). Here you can see which application would execute the URL you currently entered (e.g. Safari for https entries, etc.).


In Start, a URL entry can have a maximum length of 3072 characters. Here you can see how long the current URL currently is.


In the Start settings you can set templates for frequently used URLs. These templates can be selected via this button and then replace the currently entered URL.


Start supports placeholders where information will be stored later. With this button you can insert such a placeholder at the current cursor position in the URL.

Placeholder in URL-Schemes

Besides static URL's you can also use placeholders in URL's. These placeholders are useful to query variables when you list a URL. This may sound complicated at first sight, but it is actually quite simple. In the following, the supported placeholders are explained in more detail.

Important: Placeholders are case sensitive!


Syntax: %%userInput:Question%%

If Start finds such a placeholder in an URL, a dialog is displayed in which you can enter the desired value. The entered value will then be used instead of the placeholder in the URL.

If you want to open Safari and begin a Google search on a specific topic, you can use the following URL for example:

https://www.google.com/search?q=%%userInput:Search Google%%

If you launch this URL in Start a dialog appears with the Question “Search Google”. After you enter some text the complete placeholder %%userInput:Search Google%% will be replaced with the text you entered.


Syntax: %%selectedFileObjects%%

This placeholder is rather useful for special purposes. As described in the manual, you can pass files and directories currently selected by the system to Start and from there you can select a program which will process these files and directories further. You can also use this placeholder to pass on the selected files and directories via a URL. This makes sense for example if you start a Keyboard Maestro Macro via URL which should then process the files and directories further.